- AC and BC Audiometry
- Additional Tests
- Adherence and Concordance in Young People
- Adolescent Presenting with Intoxication
- Adolocent Healthcare - Confidentiality in Consultations and in Health Services
- Agitation and Restlessness in the Dying Phase in Palliative Care
- Agreeing a Plan of Management and Palliative Care
- Air Leaks and Chest Tube Management (Neonatal)
- Airway and Ventilation
- Allergies in Children
- Ambiguous Genitalia
- An evidence-based approach to subcutaneous injection technique
- An Introduction to Using Early Support Materials in Context
- An overview of communication, movement and perception difficulties after stroke
- An overview of paediatric anaesthesia
- Anaesthetic Record Keeping
- Anatomical Differences in the Developing Paediatric Airway
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Balance Organs
- Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
- APGAR Scoring
- Apnoea of Prematurity
- Arterial Line Insertion and Management in PICU
- Assessing Development Stage
- Assessing Gestational Age and Size at Birth
- Assessing the sexual health of mental health service users
- Assessment and Management of Agitation in Palliative Care
- Assessment and Management of Anxiety in Palliative Care
- Assessment and management of paracetamol poisoning in adults
- Assessment and management of patients with ankle injuries
- Assessment and management of patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers The management and treatment of cerebral aneurysm and aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
- Assessment and Management of Weight Loss and Loss of Appetite in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Constipation in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Mood in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Nausea and Vomiting in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Odontogenic Infections
- Assessment of Outcomes in Patients with Burns
- Assessment of Pain in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Physical and Cognitive Deterioration in Function in Palliative Care
- Assisting students to prepare for a clinical practice placement
- BALLARD Scoring
- Basic Nerve Conduction - Audiology
- Basic Principles of PICU
- Blood Gas Interpretation for Neonates
- Blood Glucose Monitoring
- Body Shape And Body Image In Adolescence
- Bone Metabolism - Radiology
- Burns And Scalds in Primary Care
- Burns: Classification and Management of Burns
- Capacity and Consent - Adolescent Medicine
- Capacity and Difficult Consent
- Cardiology Important Concepts
- Care of Infants at Birth
- Care of Low-Birth-Weight Infants
- Care of patients undergoing day case inguinal hernia repair
- Care of Women
- Caring for adolescents with Crohn's disease
- Caring for older people experiencing agitation
- Caring for patients with a temporary tracheostomy
- Caring for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: part 2
- Caring for patients with haemorrhagic shock
- Caring for patients with limb amputation
- Causes of Nausea and Vomiting in Palliative Care
- CEACCP: Optimal volaemic status and predicting fluid responsiveness
- Child Development
- Child Development: Introduction to Development Part 1: Description and Influences
- Child Protection Level 2 Part A - Recognition
- Child Protection: Level 2 Part B – Response in Secondary Care
- Child Protection: Level 2 Part C - Record in Secondary Care
- Childhood Sepsis
- Children Learning Two or More Languages
- Choosing and Using a Method - Young People
- Chronic heart failure: pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment
- Chronic Lung Disease in Neonates
- Clinical Signs During Inhalational Induction - Anesthesiology
- Clostridium difficile Infection in the Intensive Care Unit
- Comfort Care for Patients with Non-Survivable Burns
- Common Motor/Movement Problems Part 1: Normal Variations
- Common Neonatal Problems
- Common Nutritional Problems in Pre-schoolers
- Common Symptoms in Palliative Care 2
- Common viral illnesses in intensive care: presentation, diagnosis, and management
- Communicating the Plan of Management and Palliative Care
- Communication and Co-ordination of Care for the Complex Obstetric Patient
- Communication and Human Factors
- Communication Impairments Part 1: Late-talking Toddlers and Specific Language Impairment
- Community-Based Drop-In Services For Young People
- Concepts of Puberty
- Congenital Abnormalities of the Kidneys & Urinary Tract (CAKUT)
- Consulting with Children
- Contraception
- COVID 19 and Palliative, End-of-Life and Bereavement Care
- Criteria for Diagnosing Osteoporosis
- Critical Thinking Skills
- CTG Changes Caused by Hypoxia: Part 1
- CTG Changes Caused by Hypoxia: Part 2
- CTGs in Special Circumstances Part 1
- CTGs in Special Circumstances Part 2
- Culturally Sensitive Palliative and End of Life Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People
- Data Collection in Burns
- Dealing with the Unconscious Patient
- Defining health literacy and effective communication
- Definition of Stroke
- Developing a Transition Programme
- Developmental Care
- Developmental Journal Visual Impairment: Developmental Principles Part 1
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diagnosing, assessing and managing pre-eclampsia
- Diarrhoea in ICM
- Differential Diagnosis Investigation and Treatment of Chest Pain in Pregnancy
- Difficult Conversations in Palliative Care
- Disability In Adolescence
- Disease Notification
- Disorders of the Cardiovascular System
- Drug Management of Pain In Palliative Care - Core Knowledge
- Drugs Used in an Emergency (anaesthesia)
- Dying in Acute Hospitals
- Dying in Intensive Care
- Educating children’s nurses to communicate bad news
- Effective presentation skills for nurses
- Electrolytes
- Endotracheal Tube Care in PICU
- Engaging Children and Young People
- Enzymatic Debridement Agents in Burn Wounds
- Epidemiology and Aetiology of Burns
- Ethical Issues at the End of Life
- Explaining and Consent
- Explaining, Motivating And Empowering
- Exploring the role of vitamin D in infants, children and young people
- Fall Risk Assessment
- Faltering Growth
- Fantastic Twos - Common Behavioural and Emotional Problems Part 1: Theory
- Fantastic Twos - Common Behavioural and Emotional Problems Part 2: In Practice
- Feeding Children with Development Difficulties
- Feeding Difficulties
- Feeding of Sick or High Risk Infants
- Feeding Preterm Infants in Neonatal Units
- Fetal Heart Monitoring - Education and Training
- FGM: Issues, Presentation and Management in Children and Young Women
- First Hour Care of the Term Newborn Infant
- Following Up Assessments and Evaluating Outcomes
- Foreign Bodies Trauma and Burns Affecting the Eye
- Fundamentals of chronic pain in children and young people: pathophysiology and consequences
- Fungal infections and critically ill adults
- Gall Bladder Disease
- Gases and Vapours (anaesthesia)
- General Paediatric Trauma - Special Considerations
- General Preoperative Measures (anaesthesia)
- General Theatre Conduct (anaesthesia)
- Genitourinary Disease: Renal Failure
- Governance and Administration Issues
- Gram-negative Bacilli
- Gram-positive Cocci
- Group B streptococcus in pregnancy: intrapartum care choices for women
- Growth Charts and their Interpretation
- Guidance on publishing your research
- Guidelines for Low-Risk Labours
- Hard to Reach and Seldom-heard Families
- Health (Blood Borne Infection) and Handling Stress
- Health Communication and Young People: Setting the Scene
- Health Promotion in Clinical Consultations
- Health Promotion in Pregnancy (Smoking) Part 1: Basic Principles
- Health Promotion in Young People
- Health Promotion: Breastfeeding
- Healthy Development in Adolescence
- Healthy Eating for Toddlers: 1- 4 years
- Heart Failure in End of Life Care
- Helping patients to achieve self-management
- Helping people with learning disabilities exercise their right to autonomy
- History and Examination (anaesthesia)
- Home Environment
- How mentors can influence the values, behaviours and attitudes of nursing staff through positive professional socialisation
- How to administer inotropic drugs
- How to alleviate perineal pain following an episiotomy
- How to check the arterial pulse
- How to perform basic life support
- How to perform respiratory assessment
- How to suture a wound
- How to Take a Headache History
- How to use PRICE treatment for soft tissue injuries
- How to wash your hands effectively
- Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (Asphyxia)
- Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Paediatric Renal
- Imaging Loin Pain and Renal Colic
- Immunisation in Children
- Impact of Postnatal Mother and Baby Separation
- Impacts of Paediatric Intensive and High Dependency Care
- Improving care for people with learning disabilities
- Improving compliance with hand hygiene practices
- Improving Nursing Pain Assessment in Pediatrics
- Improving nutrition for older people in acute settings
- Improving patient care through concept mapping
- Improving Pediatric Pain Management
- Improving surgical outcomes for people with dementia
- Incision and Closure of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
- Individual Preferences and Cultural Influences on Symptom Management in Palliative Care
- Infant Feeding Part 2: Formula Feeding
- Infant Feeding Part 3: Weaning
- Infection and Surgical Management
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Infection Prevention and Control - Level 1
- Infection Prevention and Control - Level 2
- Infection Risks (Patient, Theatre, Staff) Laminar Flow
- Influence of Transition Points and Crises on Decision-Making in Symptom Management - Palliative Care
- Initial Assessment of the Newborn
- Interventions to Improve the CTG
- Interventricular Haemorrhage (IVH)
- Intrapleural chest drainage: pathophysiology, treatment and nursing care
- Intrathecal Drug Delivery
- Intravenous Fluid Therapy
- Intravenous Fluids
- Intravenous Maintenance of Anaesthesia
- Introducing and Using a Developmental Journal
- Introduction to Common Symptoms and Help-Seeking
- Introduction to Immunisation
- Introduction to Learning Disabilities in the Community
- Introduction to Obesity
- Introduction to the Audiometer
- Introduction to the Healthy Child Programme
- Investigation and Management of Diarrhoea
- Investing in Young People's Health
- Labour Interventions Impacting on the CTG
- Leadership, Monitoring and Quality Part 1: Principles
- Leadership, Monitoring and Quality Part 2: In Practice
- Level 1 - Safeguarding for All Staff Working in a Healthcare Setting
- Level 1 - Safeguarding for All Staff Working in a Healthcare Setting
- Level 2 - Part B - Response in Primary Care
- Level 2 Part A - Recognition
- Level 2 Part B - Response in Primary Care
- Level 2 Part B – Response in Secondary Care
- Level 2 Part C - Record in Secondary Care
- Level 3 - Introduction: Attaining and Maintaining Safeguarding Competences
- Limb Pain and Swelling
- Listening Skills
- Looked After Children Part 1: Challenges and Principles
- Looked After Children Part 1: Challenges and Principles
- Looked After Children Part 2: Influencing Factors and Outcomes of Care Journeys